Christine (1983) 6.780,335
Geeky student Arnie Cunningham falls for Christine, a rusty 1958 Plymouth Fury, and becomes obsessed with restoring the classic automobile to her former glory. As the car changes, so does Arnie, whose newfound confidence turns to arrogance behind the wheel of his exotic beauty. Arnie’s girlfriend Leigh and best friend Dennis reach out to him, only to be met by a Fury like no other.
Tonton yang lain: Antikalpa (2023) sub indo
Film Christine (1983) ini lagi hits banget di United States, loh! Dibintangi oleh aktor keren kayak Alexandra Paul, John Stockwell, Keith Gordon, dengan genre Horror. Disutradarai sama John Carpenter, durasinya sih nggak disebutkan, tapi yang pasti seru banget! Nonton Christine (1983) dalam kualitas HD bikin makin asyik, apalagi para pemainnya juga keren-keren. Menurut lo, film Christine (1983) versi Sub Indo ini bisa jadi pilihan yang oke buat memuaskan selera film berkualitas? Pasti bisa banget, deh!