Moonwalkers (2015) 6.19,526


What if Apollo 11 never actually made it? What if, in reality, Stanley Kubrick secretly shot the famous images of the moon landing in a studio, working for the US administration? This is the premise of a totally plausible conspiracy theory that takes us to swinging sixties London, where a stubborn CIA agent will never find Kubrick but is forced to team up with a lousy manager of a seedy rock band to develop the biggest con of all time.

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Film Moonwalkers (2015) ini lagi hits banget di , , loh! Dibintangi oleh aktor keren kayak , , , , , , , dengan genre . Disutradarai sama , durasinya sih nggak disebutkan, tapi yang pasti seru banget! Nonton Moonwalkers (2015) dalam kualitas HD bikin makin asyik, apalagi para pemainnya juga keren-keren. Menurut lo, film Moonwalkers (2015) versi Sub Indo ini bisa jadi pilihan yang oke buat memuaskan selera film berkualitas? Pasti bisa banget, deh!