Moonwalkers (2015) 6.19,526
What if Apollo 11 never actually made it? What if, in reality, Stanley Kubrick secretly shot the famous images of the moon landing in a studio, working for the US administration? This is the premise of a totally plausible conspiracy theory that takes us to swinging sixties London, where a stubborn CIA agent will never find Kubrick but is forced to team up with a lousy manager of a seedy rock band to develop the biggest con of all time.
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Film Moonwalkers (2015) ini lagi hits banget di Belgium, France, loh! Dibintangi oleh aktor keren kayak Eric Lampaert, Kevin Bishop, Robert Sheehan, Ron Perlman, Rupert Grint, Stephen Campbell Moore, Tom Audenaert, dengan genre Comedy. Disutradarai sama Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, durasinya sih nggak disebutkan, tapi yang pasti seru banget! Nonton Moonwalkers (2015) dalam kualitas HD bikin makin asyik, apalagi para pemainnya juga keren-keren. Menurut lo, film Moonwalkers (2015) versi Sub Indo ini bisa jadi pilihan yang oke buat memuaskan selera film berkualitas? Pasti bisa banget, deh!
Actors:Eric Lampaert, Kevin Bishop, Robert Sheehan, Ron Perlman, Rupert Grint, Stephen Campbell Moore, Tom Audenaert
Directors:Antoine Bardou-Jacquet