The Red Ghost (2020) 6.21,398
December 30, 1941. Vyazma (‘Vyazemsky cauldron’) is a small detachment of Soviet soldiers, by fatal coincidence, in an unequal battle with a special unit of the Wehrmacht. However, none of them think about giving up. Each of them was ready to sacrifice his life in order to protect his native land. None of these brave people was born a hero. The myth of the red ghost is a heroic deed without a soldier’s Soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War who instilled in the animals, deadly fear of German soldiers. In place of one of the dead hero was inserted another, and the born myth of the invincible Soviet soldier. The film ‘The Red Ghost’ is about the hope that each soldier will have.
Tonton yang lain: Misery (1990) sub indo
Film The Red Ghost (2020) ini lagi hits banget di Russia, loh! Dibintangi oleh aktor keren kayak Aleksei Shevchenkov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Yuriy Borisov, dengan genre Drama, History, War. Disutradarai sama Andrey Bogatyrev, durasinya sih nggak disebutkan, tapi yang pasti seru banget! Nonton The Red Ghost (2020) dalam kualitas HD bikin makin asyik, apalagi para pemainnya juga keren-keren. Menurut lo, film The Red Ghost (2020) versi Sub Indo ini bisa jadi pilihan yang oke buat memuaskan selera film berkualitas? Pasti bisa banget, deh!
Actors:Aleksei Shevchenkov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Yuriy Borisov
Directors:Andrey Bogatyrev